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Best Verified Licensed Gunmen Servics

Security Bouncers exclusively offers armed private security guards who undergo extensive training to ensure the highest level of security for our clients.

Security Bouncers prioritizes the use of licensed gunmen for trusted security services. We rigorously verify the licenses of all armed security personnel to ensure the highest standards of safety and professionalism for our clients.

Armed Security Guards need high level of mental resilience and meticulous training

  • How to take care of the equipment
  • Safety Norms and measures for avoiding any unforeseen event
  • Arms Maintenance
  • Range Shooting
  • Rules and Regulations applicable in the city, state
  • Practical Knowledge of Handling firearms
  • General Duties and Moral Responsibilities

We only hire an armed security personnel after he completes his required hours of training with his armed weapon.

We always do a rigorous multi background check to get assurance of safety.

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+91 7017147169

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